There are two different parts to a successful real estate investment: first, acquiring the property, and then selling or leasing it. The second part is essential, because that’s when you have the opportunity to make thousands of dollars! The Wolff Couple is dedicated to helping you through every step of the process, from gathering leads to selling houses, and with 15 years of experience alongside real estate guru, Ron LeGrand, and a big book of testimonials, you know that our strategies work! Today we begin a new series on the Countertop Sales Force, a key component to finding the right homebuyers fast. Watch this week’s featured Wolff Bite to hear Brian and Lynette explain the Countertop Sales Force and follow along with this blog post for great details, tips, and tricks!
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If you are interested in learning more from the Wolff Couple, there are a lot of ways to do it! You can subscribe to our YouTube channel for more educational Wolff Bites every week. You can also explore the Wolff Shop for great investment training DVDs, like our complete What to Say & What to Do system, created with help from Ron LeGrand himself! In addition, you can sign up for a real estate seminar near you for valuable, in-person instruction. Contact us today to start your real estate journey!
What is a Countertop Sales Force?
If you have taken the time to watch the Wolff Couple’s investment training DVDs, you are likely already familiar with the Countertop Sales Force. For those of you who haven’t, your Countertop Sales Force is a collection of flyers and paperwork – customized for each property – that you should have at every open house. It’s the materials that you give potential homebuyers as they tour the home, so that they have all the information they need when they leave. There are quite a few materials involved, so we’re going to break it down piece by piece. Look for upcoming blog posts on everything from the house marketing flyer to little things that can make a big difference, like nice pens! In today’s post, we’ll be giving you an overview of the Countertop Sales Force and how to make it a part of your open house pitch.
How to Use It
Your house marketing flyer will give a potential buyer a lot of great information, but the most important component of any open house is you! Remember the A.B.C. of real estate investment — “always be closing!” The buyer will have everything they need to contact you if they leave the property, but you want to close them right then and there if you can.
Create a Sense of Urgency
Your goal is to get the buyer to make a decision and a down payment before they walk back out the door. One way to help them make a commitment is to create a sense of urgency. Remind them that they have competition, and that you’ve talked to several other people who are seriously interested in the home — “that couple over there is interested too!”
Ask for Money Down
Let potential buyers know that you want to make a decision in the next 24 hours, and that they need to put money down so they don’t miss out! Ask them how much money they could put down on the house right now, and see if they’ll fill out an application. If you can’t close them in that moment, they will at least have your beautiful flyer you created to remind them of all the features they loved about the property and to keep your contact information close and easy to find.
Learn More from the Wolff Couple
There is so much more to real estate investment that we just can’t pack into a blog post. Explore the Wolff Shop for more great resources, like our proven real estate scripts, and join a real estate workshop near you! When you come to one of our events, you’ll not only get to see Brian and Lynette in person and hear all of their great advice, but you’ll also get a chance to make money if you bring leads for our series of live closing calls! Check out clips from past workshops on our YouTube channel and contact the Wolff Couple today to learn more!